After settling in to this new continent after a two plus year journey (ie drinking ourselves silly at the tavern) the warriors hear of a pygmy burial ground that was uncovered by the archaeologist's guild. Unfortunately the little buggers have returned to take back their sacred ground and its up to us to commit hate cri.... er clear the ruins of monsters...
During our short stay at the previous settlement before our epic journey we encountered a dwarf who decided to tag along as an NPC ally. He had no idea how long it would be until the end of the 'next adventure'. Poor fellow...
After a few uneventful corridors we encounter 6 forest goblins, 1 forest goblin boss, and since this is a pygmy adventure, pygmies! They may be small but they but they do have gang up and jungle poison which deals 1D3 damage per hit during the next power phase with no modifiers. This is the most dangerous part of lustria as warriors tend to get loaded up on poison counters all the time!
The goblin with the bag pipes happens to be our fairy for the druid (the real model being lost at the time). The party makes short work of the goblins as the berserker takes on the goblin boss in one hit and even the fairy gets a kill! The hippie banishes a few pygmies and goblins.
the pygmies next retaliate by killing the fairy. At this point we should have named our fairy kenny due to it being summoned and promptly dieing the next turn. After the retaliation against kenny the party finishes off the remaining pygmies.
The hippy then scries the next room which contains a treasure chest. The room also contained a portal leading to distant lands which we promptly ignored. The dwarf opened the cheest taking care to absorb the brunt of any traps and found a few elven arrows that no one has a clue how to use.
We opened up the next door to find the room of sacred plaques and a flames of death trap which incinerates kenny.
After a fun laugh at the expense of kenny we roll an unexpected event resulting in 10 pygmies and a fimir. Sadly this is a BL1 monster spawn due to the special difficulty modifier rolled on the dungeon so it isn't much of a threat neither does it reward us with much gold. We make short work of the monsters but not before kenny is killed yet again.
Next we get lucky finding the objective room already! The room rains down lizard men in the form of spawns 12 saurus, 6 skinks, 12 pygmies and a cupboard for someone to take cover behind. Right off the bat we roll a combat event which results in the monsters deciding to gang up on the weakest member, ie poor lil kenny again.
The warriors eliminate several of the lizardmen on the first turn, the hippie searches the cupboard finding it bare and kenny decides to wander off as the monster pursue and eliminate his life in his feeble attempt to escape.
After taking minor damage we manage to clear out the rest of the room and start working on the back log of saurus and pygmies. Our dwarf companion wages war against them slowly as the fairy is re summoned again and manages to take out a pygmy. Surprisingly the fairy does not die again and we manage to clear the objective without too much damage.
Our treasures were less than satisfying and of little worth or use to the party so we manage to leave the crime scene and head back to the harbor.
Of course since we are apparently cursed the chainsaw warrior finds out the harbor is about to be attacked by the undead and as the chosen one (and friends) we must defend the harbor or slink away like slimy weasels. We of course choose to stay and fight a pile of monsters that are all considered undead versions. The invading horde consists of
1 undead skink terradon rider (leader) w double wounds, fear 5, magic dispel 5+
6 undead skinks
12 undead pygmies
2 undead pygmy champs
10 undead corsairs
12 undead dark elf warriors
The battle starts slow however all we have to do is eliminate the leader and the horde will scatter. Kronk opens up by butchering the pygmy champions while bruce works on clearing the corsairs around us. The hippie banishes a few distant pygmies to avoid a few poison darts. The berserkers amulet proves the undoing of the corsairs as its undead turning abilities cause them to break!
Eventually the terradon swoops down into the throne room droping rocks and opening itself up to the fatal blows from our party. With the leader defeated the rest flee the castle and we are free to enjoy our stay in town.
The witch hunter Bruce is lucky as he finds an adventure from a traveling quest giver of sorts. Kronk the berserker is less so as he has managed to offend a BL4 trollslayer and the duel is set at dawn.
Kronk bravely (to be read stupidly) accepts the challenge and shows up giant gleaming sword in hand taking a huge chunk out of the slayers health right away. The slayer then retaliates nearly killing kronk and forcing him to use his healing potion. Kronk swings and the dwarven fighter dodges to the side delivering his axe upside the berserkers head ending his adventuring career right away.
So our first (non fairy) casualty is the result of an angry dwarf. RIP kronk, you silly stupid man you.